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ECHINO-SAFE-MED (New sustainable tools and innovative actions to control cystic ECHINOcoccosis in sheep farms in the MEDiterranean area: improvement of diagnosis and SAFEty in response to climatic changes) is a three-year project, funded by the European Union in the frame of PRIMA programme.

Its objective is to implement the pasture-based livestock farming systems by delivering sustainable and cost-effective tools, as well as innovative strategies to control cystic echinococcosis (CE) in sheep farms with the final goal to improve health, welfare and productivity of small ruminant livestock sector in the Mediterranean regions. This will be obtained by the use of high throughput diagnostic, surveillance and control strategies in order to establish guidelines for sustainable CE control to be further extended to other endemic Mediterranean areas.



XXIX World Congress of Echinococcosis - 28-30 August 2023


International Training School - 18 - 20 July 2023

Ultrasound(US) techniquesfor thediagnosisof CysticEchinococcosisinsheep


11th National and 4th Internation Congress of Hydatidology 2-4 October 2024


12th Hellenic Companion Animal Veterinary Congress - HVMS 12-14 September 2024