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The Unit of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases at the University of Naples Federico II (UNINA) brings together experts in parasitology with extensive experience in European collaborative projects and a strong commitment in sharing resources and technologies and harmonizing diagnostic techniques and data. Researchers at UNINA have complementary scientific and technological expertise in the field of development of novel diagnostic tools for copromicroscopy (FLOTAC, Mini-FLOTAC and Fill-FLOTAC techniques and the novel automated system “Kubic FLOTAC Microscope”), monitoring programmes, survey design, farm animal management, parasite population dynamics, mapping and modelling, development of decision support tools, dissemination tools through virtual reality and app technology.
UNINA has been recently designed WHO Collaborating Centre for Diagnosis of Intestinal Helminths and Protozoa (WHOCC ITA-116).
Role in the project
UNINA will lead the overall project and lead the following work packages: WP1 - Development and harmonisation of sustainable innovative tools and standardize operating procedures for the diagnosis of (cystic) echinococcosis in sheep and WP5 - Project Management. UNINA will also contribute to all other work packages.
(Project Coordinator – Full Professor of Parasitology and Parasitic diseases)
(Full Professor of Parasitology and Parasitic diseases)
(Post-Doctoral researcher)
(Full Professor of Internal Medicine)
(Full Professor of Pathology)